Accredited Supply Chain Professional

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Date Topic Training" Investment  


Durasi : 09.00 - 16.00 WIB


Training Background

This course  describe a  international supply chain operation management  as a result of  increasing integration of all functions  that demansupply chain professionals must be aware of the impact that logistical decision-making has on other elements of the firm’s strategic and global goals and objectives. Supply chain management professional must have thorough awareness of the changes in and increased use of technology, emphasis on strategic planning, and supply chain integration as a competitive imperative, and the practice of supply chain is a professional discipline.

Participants will be expected to gain a working understanding of how to identify reference and implement logistics management and control policies, standards and related supply chain and logistics operation standards. In reference to standard operation , the objective is to learn how to identify and interpret the requirements of the standards and implement the standards in the logistics process, and wider in supply chain management process.

Each class session will include discussion on supply chain management   global challenges, the role of global supply chain management in the world market channels, and  issues that participants should be familiar with.


Training Contents

  1. Supply Chain Planning
  2. Manufacturing Systems and Supply Chain Design
  3. Humanitarian Logistics
  4. Real Options for Product & System Design of Supply Chain Services
  5. Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization of Supply Chain Management
  6. Risk and Decision Analysis in Supply Chain Management
  7. Global Strategy & Global Supply Chain Managemen
  8. Industry Globalization Drivers’ Implications for Supply Chains
  9. Global Supply Chain Infrastructure
  10. Logistics in Global Supply Chains
  11. Purchasing in Global Supply Chains
  12. Operations in Global Supply Chains
  13. Market Channels in Global Supply Chains
  14. Case Study + Examination



  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi Interactive
  • Studi Kasus
  • Pre Test & Post Test
  • Examination
  • Evaluasi Training


NB :

1.  Sertifikat Pelatihan Berlaku untuk 3 tahun 

2.  Spectra Memfasilitasi Jasa Konsultasi Setelah Pelatihan 

Trainer : Spectracentre Trainer Team

Tanggal Training

Rabu - Jum'at , 13 Januari 2021 - 15 Januari 2021




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  • Mohon melengkapi data Anda sedetail mungkin di Setiap Pengisian Formulir Our Services Spectra Training , , kesalahan/kekurangan data yang diisikan, akan menyebabkan Marketing Kami akan kesulitan menghubungi Anda.
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  • Untuk 1 Peserta Public Training Kami , Akan Tetap Berjalan Dan Pelaksanaan Di Hotel Berbintang