Stakeholder Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility

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Date Topic Training" Investment  


Durasi : 09.00 - 16.00 WIB


Stakeholder Engagement in CSR Training Description

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Community Development is a long-term investments that are useful to minimize the social risks and to improve a company image in the public eye. One implementation of CSR programs is the development or empowerment  a  community. In order to succeed , it is required  a concept and  guide in implementation of  CSR  strategy. The need to strengthen stakeholder engagement strategy is an important and urgent aspects of the implementation program for CSR and sustainable business. Through the right strategy a company can establish appropriate relationships with stakeholders in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). How to build a multi-stakeholder process and an effective stakeholder engagement for the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). With the effective stakeholder engagement strategy is expected to realize the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in accordance to the goals. This training aims to increase the capacity of actors both from the aspect of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects of managing CSR programs, particularly in terms of multi-stakeholder process and stakeholder engagement.


Stakeholder Engagement in CSR Training Objective

Understanding of stakeholder and how the importance of the partnership relations Improving the skills of the participants in conducting stakeholder mapping, identifying stakeholder, and build partnership programs within the framework of an effective Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs through stakeholder partnership


Stakeholder Engagement in CSR Training Outline

  1. Introduction:
    • Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
    • The reason for the need to implement CSR
    • Benefits of CSR
    • Good Corporate Governance  &CSR
  2. Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs
    • Stages of implementation of program planning, implementation, evaluation, reporting
      Strategy implementation; determine the target audience, in cooperation with the media, event management
      Anticipate obstacles and solutions in implementing CSR programs
    •  Simak
    • Baca secara fonetik
  3. Multi-stakeholder Process and Stakeholder Engagement
  4. Develop Community-Based-Organization (CBO)
  5. Stakeholder engagement strategy
    • Conduct stakeholder mapping
    • Identification of stakeholder to plan engagement
    • an effective approach in conducting engagement
    • Strategic partnership to the other stakeholder in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
    • How to conduct a dialogue between stakeholder in the CBO
    • Strategic engagement in addressing the problems (conflict)
  6. Simulation: Developing a key element of a multi-stakeholder process for continuous assessment


Training Methods

Brainstorming & Tutoring,Case Study & Problem Solving discussion, Pre Test, Post Test, Examination, Evaluasi Training, Individual Report 


Training Participants

CSR / Community Development (CD) unit of the company and the stakeholders in the extractive industries, consumer goods, as well as units of companies interested in developing stakeholder engagement process.


NB :

1.  Sertifikat Pelatihan Berlaku untuk 3 tahun

2.  Spectra Memfasilitasi Jasa Konsultasi Setelah Pelatihan 

Trainer : Spectracentre Trainer Team

Tanggal Training

Senin - Selasa , 28 September 2020 - 29 September 2020




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